
We are pleased to announce that CAS Books and Journals Acquisition Group has found our Journal suitable for inclusion in the CAS databases.

The fourth issue of INEOS OPEN in 2020 is now available online. Published are the reviews on the densely cross-linked nanogels based on polysiloxanes, carbon monoxide related reductions, and the effect of structural features of dendrimers on their antiamyloid activity, as well as the original research papers devoted to the investigation of resistance coefficients of polymeric materials and environmentally benign production of new magnetic composites with proteolyic properties.

The third issue of INEOS OPEN in 2020 is now available online.
The Editorial board has decided to publish this issue on September 17 because this is the publication date of our first issue in 2018. The invited editor of this issue is Prof. Konstantin A. Kochetkov. Here you can find the reviews on transition-metal catalysis under solvent-free conditions and application of microfluidic devices in prepative synthesis, as well as other interesting artilces.
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