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INEOS OPEN is now included in RSCI30.06.2021 12:00
We are pleased to announce that INEOS OPEN has successfully passed a rigorous selection process and is now included in the Russian Science Citation Index that operates on the Web of Science platform. Here you can find a link to the official press release.
We are pleased to announce that INEOS OPEN has successfully passed a rigorous selection process and is now included in the Russian Science Citation Index that operates on the Web of Science platform. Here you can find a link to the official press release.
INEOS OPEN SELECT: new issue published and indexing by the Russian Index of Scientific Citations30.05.2021 13:00
A new issue of INEOS OPEN SELECT is now published. This special book encompasses all the materials of the annual contest-conference INEOS OPEN CUP. We are pleased to announce that since 2019 it is indexed by the Russian Index of Scientific Citations (РИНЦ). The previous issue is already available on elibrary.ru. INEOS OPEN SELECT 2020 will be uploaded in the nearest future.
INEOS OPEN CUP 2020: contest winners30.05.2021 12:00
Congratulations to the winners of the main contest and young scientists' session of INEOS OPEN CUP 2020!
A full list of winners in Russian is available here.
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