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Author guidelines

Manuscript preparation

Manuscripts submitted to INEOS OPEN must be written in English or Russian. The use of the template is mandatory for all types of articles: original research papers, highlights, and critical notes.


Each manuscript must include title, full names and affiliations of the authors, abstract, graphical abstract, main content, acknowledgements, and references. The title should be concise, but adequately reflect the manuscript content. Everyone who made a significant contribution to the work should be listed as the author. The authors’ affiliations must be given with the valid postal addresses. The corresponding author must be marked with an asterisk. Note that the abstract summarizes the main objectives and results and must help readers to decide whether the article is of interest to them. It should represent a single paragraph with 3–5 sentences (but no more than 600 symbols). The graphical abstract must convey the main article message most effectively, draw attention to your paper and help to promote it. The key words must include up to five words or short phrases. The main content of the manuscript can be optionally divided into the following sections: introduction, results and discussion, experimental, and conclusions. This is highly recommended for original research papers. For clear presentation of the material, the manuscript should involve Figures and Schemes. The number of Tables should be limited. Additional relevant information can be submitted as electronic supplementary material. All funding sources must be declared in the acknowledgements. The references to the manuscript are listed in numerical order at the end of the article. The detailed description of reference formatting with the examples is included in the template provided.

The authors from Russia must also provide the following essential information in Russian:
     full names of all authors
     affiliations of all authors
     article title
     notations according to Universal Decimal Classification and/or Code of State Categories of Scientific and Technical Information
     key words

These data will be used for registration of the Journal issues in Russian Science Citation Index (elibrary.ru). The required materials must be prepared according to the form provided.

Manuscript submission

The submission pack must include the following files:
     Manuscript prepared using the article template
•     Essential information in Russian (for authors from Russia)
     Any relevant supplementary material
     Cover letter

All files must be sent to editorial@ineosopen.org. Before submission manuscripts should be spell checked and grammar checked.

Article processing charges

The authros of accepted contributions are not required to pay article processing charges.