2021 Volume 4 Issue 6 (Published 21 May 2022)

Dear colleagues,
We have finished the fourth volume of our Journal after the May holidays. Yet again, we hope that Volume 5 will be released on schedule, as it should be. The chances are good. Firstly, the Covid fever is over, and we are once again holding conferences and seminars offline, which proves to be highly stimulating for scientific work. Secondly, the gained experience of holding meetings online had enabled us to deal with a significant portion of the administrative chores remotely online and thus saved a great measure of time for us. In addition, various sanctions-related limitations have taken a specific shape, and now we can plan our work for the nearest future normally instead of as an emergency response. But the main point lies ahead.
Thirdly, INEOS OPEN has been included in the Higher Attestation Commission list along with other English-language journals, which means that many our authors have gained additional motivation to be published in our Journal. It's a great success, and I wish to extend my congratulations to the members of the Editorial and Advisory boards, and all authors with this important achievement. We hope that this important step in our Journal's recognition will help further its position within Russian and international index databases the standing of which is equal to its scientific content.
Now, as per tradition, a few words about science. The end of April was marked with the regular session of the Chemistry Section of the Department of Chemistry and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences that was dedicated to electing new Academy members. It's a kind of a showcase of candidates that allows the voters to examine their achievements and correlate resumes with specific personalities and their presentations. As a rule, first-time candidates are invited to give a presentation, while repeat candidates may volunteer to do so.
This time around, we had an impressive show of candidates. The session had taken three days and upheld a very strict, 20-minute-per-speaker presentation schedule. The first day was particularly remarkable, with the presentations from the corresponding members of the RAS who ran for full members. Global-scale problems as well as huge scientific and practical significance of today were keenly felt in the auditorium. Among many brilliant presentations, our candidates' achievements had held their own, namely, those of A. A. Trifonov, a first-time full member candidate, and N. V. Belkova who ran for a corresponding member. Both our candidates are aiming for the so-called "youth" spots. The elections are unpredictable as always, and it's important that there are at least three candidates for each spot. It's a sign of a healthy competition and a "long bench".
A few words on the issue of the Russian authors being published in the international journals. It's still unfavorable and subjective in a huge number of flagrant cases that I will not be naming here so as not to advertise certain zealous Russophobes but that have unfortunately taken place. At the same time, the most conservative journals that uphold their time-tested principles of choosing works for publications are still open to accepting articles from the Russian scientists. Right now, it's very important not to give in to extreme reactions ourselves, not to close off from the world, and to continue creating and presenting our scientific achievements. We are not punishing anyone by refusing to publish their works in our journals, and it's a great opportunity to make them more available and popular in the world. It depends, first and foremost, on the quality of our work, on the level of our publications. It wouldn't do not to use this chance.
Sincerely yours, |
Z. T. Gugkaeva and V. A. Larionov Recent Advances in the Asymmetric Synthesis of Αlpha-Amino Acids via Radical Reactions INEOS OPEN, 2021, 4 (6), 213–223 DOI: 10.32931/io2127r Corresponding author: V. A. Larionov, e-mail: larionov@ineos.ac.ru |
L. N. Telegina and E. S. Kelbysheva Reversible Coordination of the Carbonyl Ligands in Cymantrene as a Way to Create Photoactive Systems INEOS OPEN, 2021, 4 (6), 224–231 DOI: 10.32931/io2129r Corresponding author: L. N. Telegina, e-mail: popova-ln@mail.ru |
A. V. Naumkin, A. V. Budnikov, M. I. Buzin, and A. Yu. Vasil'kov Activity and Evolution of Pd–Fe-Containing Nanocomposites INEOS OPEN, 2021, 4 (6), 232–236 DOI: 10.32931/io2126a Corresponding author: A. Yu. Vasil'kov, e-mail: alexandervasilkov@yandex.ru |
D. V. Aleksanyan, S. G. Churusova, E. Yu. Rybalkina, Yu. V. Nelyubina, and V. A. Kozlov INEOS OPEN, 2021, 4 (6), 237–242 DOI: 10.32931/io2128a Corresponding author: D. V. Aleksanyan, e-mail: aleksanyan.diana@ineos.ac.ru |
Received 18 March 2022 |
A. A. Moiseeva INEOS OPEN, 2021, 4 (6), 243–250 DOI: 10.32931/io2130a Corresponding author: A. A. Moiseeva, e-mail: ma@ineos.ac.ru |