2024 Volume 7 Issues 4–5 (Published 29 December 2024)
Dear colleagues,
The outgoing year gave the Russian scientific community a series of glorious scientific anniversaries: 300 years of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 300 years of St. Petersburg University, 95 years of the Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 90 years of the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 90 years of the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 95 years of the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University. We also made our worthy contribution to this continuous celebration of the triumph of science, two anniversaries at once: 125 years since the birth of A. N. Nesmeyanov and 70 years of our Institute INEOS RAS that he founded. History (destiny?) had to decide so and combine the anniversary of the founder and his brainchild in one year! According to good tradition, the main (but not the only) event of celebrating these anniversaries was a scientific conference dedicated to the two INEOS pillars: the chemistry of organoelement compounds and the chemistry of polymers. It would seem a bizarre, not immediately understandable combination of two quite different branches of chemical science in one research center. But in fact, it is the result of enlightened foresight, the ability to understand, to outline the main breakthrough directions of scientific development, capable of becoming so necessary for the country destroyed by the war "growth points", to give a powerful impetus to the development of the economy. Here is a clear example and confirmation of the role of the individual in history and, in particular, in the development of science, thanks to which the Institute arose and continues to remain one of the leading scientific centers in the field of organoelement and polymer chemistry recognized by the world community for 70 years.
The authority of the Institute, the recognition of the role of its scientific schools, the respect of colleagues for the memory of A. N. Nesmeyanov allowed us to gather a myriad of leading Russian scientists in the field of organoelement and polymer chemistry, to provide a rich program of the week of "high chemistry", turning it into a relay race of brilliant reports, a bright festival of achievements. The pandemic break, the geopolitical situation that complicated our movements in space, led to a clearly tangible nostalgia for normal scientific communication, a strong desire to talk about your new results, discuss them with colleagues and, of course, gather friends and like-minded people. I think this was also an important factor that allowed us to gather more than 250 participants. 28 plenary, 67 oral, and 129 poster presentations were given, and the thematic sessions of young scientists with 33 oral presentations were held. The variety of topics of the reports encompassed the synthetic organoelement, coordination and polymer chemistry, homogeneous, heterogeneous and photocatalysis, artificial intelligence in solving chemical problems, medicinal chemistry, including the creation of radiopharmaceuticals, materials science, magnetic and luminescent materials, physical chemistry, supramolecular chemistry and chemistry of metal-organic frameworks, agrochemistry. All this reflected the main trends in the development of modern chemistry, identified areas of probable joint research, prospects for using the potential of academic institutes and universities in ensuring the technological sovereignty of our country. The Conference, as well as the round-tables held within its framework, became a place for discussing the problems of organizing modern science, forms of its interaction with industry. An interesting decision, in my opinion, was to hold one of the days of the Conference within the walls of Moscow State University, thus reflecting the "dual" nature of Nesmeyanov's activities.
The Conference left me with a feeling of satisfaction from the high level of the reports, a businesslike, non-exhaustive working atmosphere, a sense of understanding the prospects, joy from the presence of a large number of young interested participants, and simply a pleasant aftertaste from interesting work, discussions, and meetings with friends. In short: it was worth living and worth working!
The year of anniversaries is inevitably moving towards its end, I hope we will live to see the next ones. I would like to wish all of us health, common sense, new ideas, success, prosperity, good students and like-minded people. And "a little sun in cold water" never hurt anyone.
Sincerely yours, |
A. M. Muzafarov Seventy-year-long Experiment Goes on INEOS OPEN, 2024, 7 (4–5), 105–109 DOI: 10.32931/io2453r Corresponding author: A. M. Muzafarov, e-mail: aziz@ispm.ru |
M. P. Tsyurupa, Yu. A. Davidovich, A. G. Buyanovskaya, and O. A. Levinskaya Recovery of Lithium from Natural Raw Materials. Minireview INEOS OPEN, 2024, 7 (4–5), 110–116 DOI: 10.32931/io2444r Corresponding author: M. P. Tsuryupa, e-mail: mts@ineos.ac.ru |
A. S. Belova Intramolecular Excimers of Organic Compounds INEOS OPEN, 2024, 7 (4–5), 117–131 DOI: 10.32931/io2448a Corresponding author: A. S. Belova, e-mail: belova.asya@gmail.com |
E. V. Shevaldina, Yu. V. Nelyubina, and S. K. Moiseev Palladium-Catalyzed Allylation of α-(o-Carboran-1-yl)acetophenone with Allyl Carbonates INEOS OPEN, 2024, 7 (4–5), 132–133 DOI: 10.32931/io2450a Corresponding author: E. V. Shevaldina, e-mail: eshevaldina@ineos.ac.ru |
I. V. Sandulenko, M. V. Zelentsova, A. F. Smol'yakov, A. A. Ambartsumyan, and S. K. Moiseev INEOS OPEN, 2024, 7 (4–5), 134–137 DOI: 10.32931/io2454a Corresponding author: I. V. Sandulenko, e-mail: ira17.rock@mail.ru |
A. V. Toktonov INEOS OPEN, 2024, 7 (4–5), 138–139 DOI: 10.32931/io2443a Corresponding author: А. V. Toktonov, e-mail: toktonov@ineos.ac.ru |
I. S. Belousov, A. V. Gordienko, E. S. Vtyurina, I. I. Ponomarev, Yu. A. Volkova, INEOS OPEN, 2024, 7 (4–5), 140–143 DOI: 10.32931/io2452a Corresponding author: K. M. Skupov, e-mail: kskupov@ineos.ac.ru |
N. S. Bushkov, P. A. Zhizhko, and D. N. Zarubin Grafting of Group 6 Imido–Alkyl Complexes on Silica: Mo vs. W INEOS OPEN, 2024, 7 (4–5), 144–148 DOI: 10.32931/io2445a Corresponding author: N. S. Bushkov, e-mail: nbushkov98@gmail.com |
S. A. Sorokina, N. V. Kuchkina, T. D. Patsaev, and Z. B. Shifrina Effect of Solvents on Porous Properties of Microporous Polyphenylenes INEOS OPEN, 2024, 7 (4–5), 149–153 DOI: 10.32931/io2447a Corresponding author: S. A. Sorokina, e-mail: sorokinas@ineos.ac.ru |
V. A. Shishkinskaya, G. P. Goncharuk, and O. A. Serenko INEOS OPEN, 2024, 7 (4–5), 154–158 DOI: 10.32931/io2455a Corresponding author: V. A. Shishkinskaya, e-mail: dia-diaa@bk.ru |